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Customer Testimonials:

I love my Iaso Instant. I don't go a day without it. I even give it to my toddler son (he's 3) when he's constipated. I have lost 35 lbs using our Instant Tea combined with NRG, Nutriburst and Resolution Drops. It has helped reduce inflammation around my tummy and I can wear clothes without wearing spanx. What I love most is that it's convenient on the go. I pour it in my water, shake and I'm good to go especially with a busy schedule, and running around with a toddler. Our tea is one of my favorite products but of course all our TLC products is amazing. Order your tea today, you won't regret it. - Princess

I haven’t tried the laso tea long enough to give an honest review, but I would like to brag about the phenomenal customer service I received from Evan! I didn’t get a chance to get the nutraburst due to being out of stock, but he made it right with my refund with no questions asked. I will definitely purchase again :) - Keterrel

Iaso Tea, formulated by Total Life Changes, is the best detox tea for weight loss which contains nine 100% organic ingredients. It is the special blend in Iaso Tea that allows the gentle cleansing of the whole body with continued use.