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Customer Testimonials:

I noticed one of my co-workers was losing weight and looking good, so I asked her what she was doing. She said I drink tea! I asked what kind of tea and she told me Iaso Tea. She gave me one packet and I tried it. I lost 5 pounds on it the first week so I decided to order my own. People started to ask me what was I doing to lose weight and I told them about this tea. Now there are about 10 of my family members and friends ordering this tea. The taste is not bad. It reminds me of unsweetened tea. It also gives me energy and I think it curves my appetite a bit. Lastly I see a glow in my skin that was not there before. I think this tea has some good benefits and I recommend it. - Deborah

My experience has been wonderful the tea has a lot of benefits cant live without it - Jacqueline

Iaso Tea, formulated by Total Life Changes, is the best detox tea for weight loss which contains nine 100% organic ingredients. It is the special blend in Iaso Tea that allows the gentle cleansing of the whole body with continued use.